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About Sophie

Sophie Kia is a 19-year-old artist born and raised in the United Kingdom. She harbored a passion for art from a young age and after years of honing her skills through sketching and painting in notebooks, she has recently transitioned to creating large-scale art works on canvas. Sophie dedicates her days to this newfound passion, aspiring to share her art with a global audience.

Behind every piece of art is an artist with a story and intention. I am Sophie Kia, and art is my way of transforming emotions and ideas into visual narratives.

Have a unique idea you would love to transform into art?
Sophie Kia Artists Based in Epping, UK

Own My Work

Discover the essence of exclusivity and bring a piece of my art into your space! There are a selection of artworks and limited edition prints available for purchase. Own a timeless expression of creativity from Sophie Kia Art.

My Recent Work

Step into the latest chapter of her creative journey — see Sophie's most recent artworks, each piece a fresh testament to the evolving narrative of her artistic exploration.
Sophie Kia
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I am Sophie Kia, a young artist filled with innovative ideas and a fresh perspective on the world of art. Passionate about expressing visions through my work, I eagerly welcome commissions, ready to collaborate and bring your unique stories to life through captivating artworks. Let's create something truly special together, pieces that resonate with your story, and enhance your space.
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